Pregnancy Loss

The purpose of this project is to focus on pregnancy loss and its consequences for both men and women. Every year, at least 20,000 pregnancies are lost in Denmark, and pregnancy loss can be associated with grief, stress, and deteriorating mental and sexual health. Even though pregnancy loss is very frequent, our knowledge of the psychosocial and sexual consequences of pregnancy loss among women and men is lacking. The same applies to knowledge about whether an intervention with digital aids can be helpful for women and men with pregnancy loss.

The aim of the project is to investigate:

  1. The psychosocial and sexual consequences of pregnancy loss
  2. The effect of using a pregnancy loss app in relation to the participants’ knowledge about pregnancy loss, empowerment, and mental and sexual health.

The project includes:

  1. A questionnaire survey among 6,000 couples with pregnancy loss, which is treated at one of the Capital Region’s hospitals. Participants respond to questionnaires immediately after pregnancy loss and 6 and 12 months later. Clinical and biological data are also collected from the woman, the man, and the fetus.
  2. Development and evaluation of a pregnancy loss app. In an intervention project, couples at two hospitals are offered to use the developed app, while couples at the other two hospitals do not get access to the app. Users and non-users of the app will be compared with respect to psychological and sexual consequences of pregnancy loss and knowledge about pregnancy loss.

Project Status